Hi there,

If you stumbled upon this site, likely one of two things have happened (in order of decreasing probability): 1) you're either interested in how you can apply big data in Fantasy Premier League or 2) you follow me on Twitter.

Either way, I'm happy to have you along for the ride. When I decided to create this site along with my dad, it was for one simple reason: I was looking to gain an edge over my mini-league rivals. And I'll be honest: these guys are good.
So I decided analyzing other, historically-successful, managers was the way to go.

My dad (who loves all things statistical) scrubbed the Official Fantasy website, primarily looking for blokes who have been killing it every single season for at least 3-5 campaigns. Full disclosure: these managers aren't the FPL experts that you are probably tired of seeing already. That should spice things up.

But successful managers are not the only meaningful stat we were able to pull and analyze. Other trends and patterns emerged. How are those managers (let's call them 'elite' from here on out) different from others? Which decisions set them aside? What goes through their minds every single week when they put a team out?

The answer is: I don't know. Well, not always. But I intend to find that out. I'll track them down, talk to them and hopefully gain an insight which can help you become a better manager. Hell, I might even become one myself in the process.

And while I'm looking for, and talking with, these elite guys, the site won't be empty: I'll populate it with every bit of statistical data I can lay my hands on as a result of scrubbing the Fantasy website. There's something worthwhile every gameweek.

As this is pretty much my first stab at regular Fantasy blogging, I'll experiment with formats, frequency & length of posts and a whole lot of other things. And I'll be happy if you could help out: chip in with your comments, thoughts and ideas under each and every post. I'll read the sh*t out of them all.

For now, may Fantasy gods look kindly upon your teams. Soon I'll be back to help you make those as good as you can, the luck factor notwithstanding.

Alex Baguzin

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